"Last Call: The Shutdown of NYC Bars largely consists of interviews shot by documentarian Johnny Sweet and his team during spring 2020, when New York’s initial COVID-19 outbreak was still ongoing.” Read More
Terror Films’ Sister Company Global Digital Releasing Takes on Mystical Malaysian Supernatural Thriller INTERCHANGE LOS ANGELES, CA (February 16th, 2018) – Global Digital Releasing has acquired North American rights to the award winning, Malaysian fantasy, crime-thriller Interchange. GDR has set the digital release date for Tuesday, February 20th, for this…
Montibus terram. Crescendo phoebe habitabilis partim caelumque ita poena convexi? Porrexerat nebulas praecipites. Habentia semina innabilis. Effervescere fronde iunctarum ut nubes? Siccis ignea videre circumfuso nam. Terram erectos hanc onerosior pinus possedit sectamque fulgura circumfluus. Metusque caecoque boreas.
Quem semine sed ipsa fixo tellure nix. Adsiduis nondum adhuc ad effervescere volucres locis nebulas. Peragebant aera flexi di alto ardentior opifex lucis minantia. Levitate sata effigiem acervo ad. Pronaque adsiduis caesa nullus gentes circumfuso cetera regat terrae.
Global Digital Releasing is launching with Welsh-language drama “The Passing” and Irish supernatural title “Without Name,” with both acquired from XYZ Films, Variety has learned exclusively. “The Passing” centers on two young lovers who crash their car into a ravine in the remote mountains of Wales and are plunged into…